• Mission Statement
    Everything we do brings us back to creating a space for all those who enter to have a warm, loving, and safe space to deepen their relationship with a deeply loving God!
    8 FADE
    Mission Statement Everything we do brings us back to creating a space for all those who enter to have a warm, loving, and safe space to deepen their relationship with a deeply loving God!
    Blessed with Volunteers The volunteer crew is what makes the HCRH filled with such holy love and sets us apart from other retreat experiences. St. Francis says, “Preach the gospel, if necessary, use words.”. With the exceptional care, our volunteers give our retreat guests, the gospel is vibrantly preached at every meal or with the detailed cleaning of each room. Please consider volunteering!
    All Are Welcome to this very special Holy Cross Communiity
    On-Line Cursillo Application if now Available. Click Here https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E361892&id=9 _self